Mrs. Bearden’s Piano Studio Policy & Philosophy



Because I truly believe that music education is a present investment in a lifetime of musical pleasure, I have set up the following policies regarding your child's musical instruction.

  1. My studio fee is $115 per month for a 45-minute lesson once a week. All lesson fees are payable one month in advance at the first lesson of the month.
  2. It is significant to remember that your monthly tuition rate is not based on the number of lessons your child receives. Rather, monthly tuition reflects a five-month financing plan of the entire semester rate. Each semester contains 17 weeks of lessons. If your child enrolls after the beginning of the semester, the monthly tuition will be pro-rated. 
  3. Your private lesson time is considered a standing appointment for which Mrs. Bearden has reserved her time for you. If Mrs. Bearden has to miss a lesson it will be made up. If the student misses a lesson, prior notice is required. Twenty-four hour notice is preferable. However, if a student wakes up ill on a lesson morning, please call before 10:00 am. With proper prior notification, Mrs. Bearden will make up one lesson per student per semester. The make-up lesson will be held at the end of the semester. 
  4. Students are expected to perform at the end-of-semester recitals and should plan to remain in attendance for the entire recital.

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Remember to work with your child in setting up a daily practice schedule as soon as each new season approaches, whether it is the school year or summer vacation. A "set time" each day will help them remember without constantly having to be reminded and will also help insure that you are getting your money's worth out of music lessons. I will give each student a practice calendar. He/she will check off the days on which he/she practiced the prescribed amount. Each student will receive points each week according to their amount of practice and preparation for the lesson. 100 points must be earned each week to be on the Honor Roll. Students who remain on the Honor Roll for eight of the semester's nine months will receive an Honor Roll award at the end-of-the-year recital. 

The study of music is rewarding and enjoyable, but it is also work! It is probably the first serious commitment your child has ever made. As you know, your child will be only as committed as you are. Each student will move along as quickly as the assigned material is sufficiently mastered. It is my sincere desire that my teaching and your support at home (with encouragement, praise, and discipline when needed) will form an effective team. By working together we can make music one of the most enjoyable experiences your child will ever encounter. This is one of the few avenues of training that they will carry with them for an entire lifetime.

Thank you for entrusting your child’s musical education to me. I believe that music is one of God’s greatest gifts to us and know first-hand what a joy it is to be able to create one’s own music and share it with others. Good pianists are becoming such a scarcity these days. There are so many other extra-curricular activities for children, but none that can be as useful, beneficial and as personally gratifying as being able to play an instrument as long as they live. (My mother-in-law was able to play the piano until her death at age 90. Even when the Alzheimer’s disease had robbed her mind of everything else, her music was still with her.) My hope is to help your child attain musical skills that will give them joy and pleasure throughout the rest of his/her entire life.


Charlotte Bearden


Student’s Agreement: I will make sure that my parent’s investment in my piano lessons is not wasted. I will practice the prescribed amount at least five days per week.

Student’s Signature_______________________________________

Parent’s Agreement: I have read the above policies and agree to them. I will help my child progress in his/her musical study by scheduling practice time at least five days a week.

Parent’s Signature_________________________________________

Address ________________________________________________

Home Phone________________Cell Phone_________________e-mail address____________________


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